
Donald & the WWE

    Donald Trump is a figure in pop-culture that people around the world know.  I’m not saying that it’s a good personality for a president, but people know him.

    Donald has been a part of some really weird situations with pop-culture.  For example, before Donald thought about putting his name in for a presidential bid he was in the squared circle.  Squared circle being referenced towards pro-wrestling.  He had a wrestler fight against a wrestler Vince Mcmahon for a bet of who would get their hair cut.

The Final Debate!

With the final presidential debate taken place many have taken their sides.  Some have had taken their sides before the debate.  Donald Trump lost about nine percent of his voters going into the last debate.

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The debate was very neatly contained with Chris Wallace being the moderator.  The two candidates were both standing at podiums on the stage at University of Nevada, Las Vegas campus.  The topics that were chosen were picked by Chris Wallace and only he knew what the topics were.  Chris Wallace for the whole debate held each question as a segment on any television show and kept both candidates from really interrupting each other.  This blog will be talking about what Donald Trump talked about when he answered the topics that were asked about.


The first topic that was talked about during the debate was the Supreme Court.  Donald started off his part of answering the question with talking about one of the judges.  One of the Supreme Court judges said comments that were inappropriate and had to apologize.  Then Donald started talking about how he would pick judges that would be pro second amendment.  Donald would also appoint judges that are pro-life.  Donalds thoughts on these topics are that they are what the founding fathers wanted.

After both of the candidates had their two minutes they talked about the topic openly.  Chris Wallace brought up the issue of D.C. vs Heller.  Donald started off saying that the decision of that ruling had made Hillary Clinton very upset.  He then continued into saying that the people that are pro-gun were upset that Hillary was upset.  Donald brought up the issues in Chicago and how the city has strict gun laws, but has the most gun violence.  Donald also brought up how NRA promoted him so quick into his presidential run.


The second topic that was talked about during the debate was immigration.  Other than the talk about building a wall, Donald talked about how immigrants bring drug to America.  Donald also says that the immigrants are the reasons for children’s deaths.   Donald then talked about how he has so many I.C.E. agents backing him and what he stands for.  Which is just another way of mentioning his wall that he would like to build a wall.  Donalds also talked about how Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have caused most of the world’s problems.

During the open discussion for the topic of immigration Donald brought up Hillary’s past with immigration and what she wanted to do with the borders.  Donald proclaimed that NAFTA was the worst thing that the Clinton’s did with signing the agreement.  Donald stayed firm on the topic of building a wall and said that Hillary had wanted to build a wall back in 2006.  Donald also bring up the issue of deporting people and how President Obama has been deporting people and how that information has kept quiet.  


The third topic that was talked about during the debate was economy.  The first thing that Donald said was that Hillary’s plan was a disaster.  Donald then goes on to talk about how Hillary’s plan will raise taxes.  He also starts to state the other countries that have more money than the United States.  Donald also questioned NATO and if the countries within NATO were paying.  Donald talks about the amount of debt that the country has accumulated.  Donald brought up NAFTA and immediately says how horrible it was.  Donald then mentioned how he would bring back jobs to help diminish the trillion dollar debt.

The open discussion for this topic for Donald was based around his information on jobs.  Donald wants a four percent growth which would take a ten year period.  According to Chris Wallace that is an unrealistic number that can’t be achieved.  Donald then started to name countries with higher job growth rates like India and China.  He brings up NAFTA again and states that factories that he saw twenty to twenty-five years ago were open have been closed because of NAFTA.  

Overall the final presidential debate was actually a debate compared to the first two debates.  Chris Wallace stepped in when the two candidates were going off topic, which is what really helped the debate.  The crowd only interrupted two or three times.  The one drinking games that was being watched alongside the debate may have made it a little bit easier to watch as well.


Do We Still Feel The “Bern”?


Bernie Sanders was a fan-favorite among potential young voters. They were all excited his policies and the way Bernie wanted to run our country. Our generation was absorbed with Bernie claiming he cared about our futures and us as a nation.  Why were Millennials so obsessed with spreading the “Bern” like wild fire across the country?

Comparing to the other candidates, Trump had 17% of the millennial votes, Hillary with 37%, and 54% of the votes were for Bernie. Bernie fed the generation information about his ideas based on what they wanted to hear. And when it comes to millennials there is only two things they care about:” How can they go through live doing as little work as possible?” and “How much money am I going to save and get back from the government?”

Bernie pledged to find ways to create free government programs, free college tuition, and creating a higher tax pay for the rich and less of a tax for the poor. A lot of millennials are in the following subcultures:

  1. College students who are taking out loans to pay high tuition prices.
  2. College graduates who are paying back their insanely high college debts.
  3. Age groups of 17-29 years old who did not go to college and are trying to get by.




When it comes down to the basics, Sanders was more appealing to the younger generations than Trump and Clinton combined. Sanders cared about the issues that were really important: the environment, the drug laws, the economy, and much more. While the other two only seem to care about being president for their own self gain, while Bernie ran to help the American people.



Donald Trump Cameos?

     As mentioned in an earlier blog Donald Trump is an actor.  He has had his own television show for eleven years.  He has also starred in many other television shows and movies though.  Some of the movies he is in for a miniscule amount of time, yet he is still noticed.  Many of the roles that he plays is himself and only a few roles where he plays other characters.  Before you keep reading, there are spoilers to what Donald is in, so be warned.

     Most of his movies and television appearances were in the 90’s.  Donald was building his casinos and other buildings in the 80’s.  In the 2000’s Donald was making The Apprentice, so it makes sense why most of movies and television appearances were in the 90’s.

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     This was one of Donalds first parts or cameos in movies.  Surprisingly enough that he was feature in a children’s movie franchise.  Donalds part in Home Alone 2: Lost In New York, was just to give directions to the main character.  The part was noticeable because he said his line then did a double take back at the main character and he gives his line.  He was on the screen for a total of about five or six seconds.

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     Surprisingly enough this is one of those few movies that Donald did not play himself.  In the Little Rascals, Donald plays an oil tycoon and father of the rich new kid.  He was on screen few probably ten to fifteen seconds.  He had a few lines talking to his son in the movie.  Oddly enough his role could have been a real estate mogul instead of an oil tycoon.

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     With one of his first appearances on a television show, Donald played a major role in one episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.  Not a surprise that Donald played himself in the episode.  The story behind the episode was that Donald wanted to buy the house from the Banks.  The Banks then remembered all the memories they had in the house and didn’t sell the house to Donald.  Since the episode was only twenty-three minutes the amount of screen time didn’t matter compared to cameos in a movie.


     Donald did do some acting before The Apprentice.  Donalds role in Zoolander, was once again himself.  He had about four or five seconds of screen time, with one line.  Donalds line was about male modeling, but it actually became connected to what he started to produce.  Donald produced Miss Universe pageants and a few Miss USA pageants.

     Now Donald had more cameos in movies.  Counting The Apprentice, Donald is an accomplished television star.  The show was aired 2004 and is still currently airing.

     If you want to all of Donalds cameo here is a video.  The cameos say what show they are from.

Donald Trump & Video Games

     Surprisingly enough video games haven’t been brought up in the presidential debates at all.  Both candidates have strong opinions on video games and both have expressed those opinions.  Donald Trump has spoken about them more recently, as of 2012.  


     Understandably if you’re reading this tweet from when he tweeted it.  Most games that were getting the most attention were war games.  The multiplayer was about killing other players, not on your team and the campaigns gave some what accurate depictions or futuristic wars.  Most people have believed that playing video games is helpful for the brain.  The reason people think differently is because if a shooting happens and the police find violent video games at the shooters house it is an easy out instead of saying they had a mental illness.  


     Donald even has had a video game produced and sold before he made his comments.  His comments aren’t directed towards the play style of his game, but towards an audience that buys games.  The game that Donald made was called Donald Trump’s Real Estate Tycoon.  The whole objective of the game is to compete in the real estate business and get to the height that Donald is and compete against him.  The game released in 2002 for PC in the United States and 2004 in Europe.  The game also released to mobile phones in the United States in 2004.

     The main reason for bringing up video games is that there is a campaign against Donald using video games.


     The images above are characters from the game OverWatch mixed with Donald.  The website shows these caricatures to show the different forms of Donald’s excuses.  One of the caricatures is Donald being upset that his microphone during the first debate didn’t work.  Another caricature is Donald complaining that the media is completely against him.  With both of the caricatures, Donald looks unhappy, to say the least.  The website is obviously against Donald, but not surprising that Donald isn’t attacking himself.

Debate Drinking Game

    Almost every event or gathering has an entertaining quality.  An example would be fantasy sports, for an already entertaining events.  For those who have the money betting on sporting events, also entertaining.  With watching politics there is an event that many people over 21 use to entertain themselves with and it would be a drinking game.

    Above is an image of the drinking game from the second debate.  The point of the game is to choose a candidate and drink whenever they say the keywords that have been given for the night.  Now the person that wins is the person that doesn’t pass out or puke.  This makes watching the debate more tolerable.

    Watching and listening for the keywords for the candidate that you choose is easier with the live stream that the creators of this drinking game make.  The live stream is on Youtube which can be played on almost any platform.  The live stream shows you when to drink for each candidate, which is helpful while playing.  It should be said that one should know how much alcohol that they handle.

    With the words that the candidates have as their keywords aren’t determined until a few days before the debate.  The keywords are based off topics that have been brought up before the debate.  The questions that are asked during the debate help lead toward the keywords being talked about.

    With having the video of the live stream above it would only make sense if a video of the debate was accessible.

The debate was mainly about the questions from the public.  Most of the questions came from the audience, with some from Facebook.  The debate had two moderators this time instead of just one like the first debate.  Still, the number of moderators didn’t matter both candidates yelled over them and yelled at each other.

Voter Registration

    With the timeline for registering to vote in New York is coming to a near close.  The last day to register in New York is October 14, 2016.  In New York, a person could register three different ways: online, mail in, or in person.  Other states have different dates for each way to register.  Some states also don’t allow online registration.

    Being able to vote is something that people in college take for granted.  Voting gives the people of the United States some kind of say in who runs the country.  Many countries have councils making choices of whose in charge.  The Bill of Rights gives the citizens of the United States the right to vote.

    The easiest way to find information about the state you live in would be to google it.  Google will show a chart that says the requirements, how to’s, and deadlines.

Donald & Football

    Donald Trump is a man that has been in the media since 1978.  When he was able to purchase the Bonwit Teller store building.  He was mentioned in the media because the building facade was promised to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  That was the beginning of Donald Trump’s media parade.

    Donald has made many adventures other than what was previously talked about with the World Wrestling Entertainment.  He has set foot in one of America’s famous sports, football.  He bought a football team that played in the USFL.  The team was the New Jersey Generals.  The team had played for three seasons during the summer, while the NFL played during the fall.

    Donald didn’t want to be a part of the second best football league.  He tried to talk the other owners of the USFL to move the season to the fall so the league could compete in viewership with the NFL.  The USFL would then fold in 1986.

    Donald would try to get back into the sport when he tried to buy the Buffalo Bills in 2014.  He was one of three bidders, but he was not successful with the bid.

Donald Trump & Taxes

 Donald Trump is a celebrity that has had tax issues.  The tax issues are only being brought up because he is running for president.  Other celebrities have had their share of tax issues just like Donald.

    Let’s start off by explaining the tax issues that Donald Trump has had.  In 1995 Donald lost 916 million dollars.  Some say that the losses were due to Donald not paying taxes for 18 years.  Donald also said that he was smart by not paying taxes.

    Now not saying that some of these celebrities said that they were smart or owed that insane amount of money.  The first celebrity is Wesley Snipes.  Snipes owed about 17 million dollars in taxes.  Snipes went to jail for three years for his tax evasion.

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    The second celebrity is Nicolas Cage.  Cage owed about six million dollars in taxes.  Cage blamed the tax problems on his manager and accountant for not taking care of his taxes.

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    The third and final celebrity is Willie Nelson.  Nelson owed about sixteen million dollars in taxes.  Just like Nicolas Cage, the man that Nelson trusted to pay his taxes.

First Presidential Debate For 2016

     Being a neutral website and that I have little knowledge on most politics there was a debate last night.  From what I was watching the debate looked like a yelling match between two sports fans that hated each other’s teams and then agreed when they both hated another team that’s better.  To compared the debate to something close to what Donald had been a part of before it was like he had fired someone from The Apprentice.

    With the way that people talk back to Donald people, I think he was used to the talk from the crowd and Hillary.  While watching the debate I was surprised at the way that he held himself during some of the questions that were being thrown at him about his past.  I was amazed at how quick he tried to switch the topic off of his past on to Hillary’s past.  If you didn’t watch the debate here is a link to the full video.